Preguntas Más Frecuentes

Preguntas Más Frecuentes


FameUp connects you with thousands of local or national brands that will reward you for your social media creativity, when promoting their products & services.

You’ll find both local and national brands from all types of industries, from the smallest family businesses, up to big corporations. You can browse in-app the brands that have been previously checked and approved by the FameUp team.

Using FameUp, you can access paid collaborations based on different criteria stemming from the brand’s selection, based on your fit to the campaign brief or brand image and message, to your location, age, number of followers, or past results, including your rating and quality of your content.

También puedes ser invitado a colaboraciones directas por las marcas que seleccionan tu perfil de influencer y quieren que les ayudes a promocionar sus productos y/o servicios.

Después de instalar la aplicación en tu teléfono, ábrela y selecciona la opción "Quiero ser un influencer pagado" durante el proceso de registro.

To have your FameUp account approved, you must:
– to connect at least 1 social network (Instagram and/or TikTok and/or YouTube) in your FameUp profile.
– meet the account approval conditions for at least 1 connected social network.

Quality criteria:
-Below 18 Years Olds: You must be 18 years old.
-Mature Content: Posts with adult content are not accepted.
Examples of such content: nudity, vulgar and/or sexual content, offensive words and/or gestures, obscenities, etc.
-Restricted Content: Posts with content restricted by the social media platform are not accepted.
Examples of such content: weapons, drugs, hate crimes, violence, harassment, intimidation.
-Improper Content: This means that posts must be original, genuine and/or varied.
Examples of such accounts: excessive Lip-Sync posts, posts inspired or copied in detail from other content creators.
-Impersonal Account: Impersonal accounts are not accepted.
Examples of such accounts: mostly meme posts, quotes, in-game footage, fan accounts, any account with a high proportion of inanimate objects, excessive product placement.
-Lack of Quality: You must have posts that include high quality, clear, properly lit, unblurred photos or videos.
-Language: Your posts must be in the correct language. The predominant language of your account must be the one corresponding to the country in which you created your account.

Quantitative Criteria: You must meet ALL approval conditions for at least 1 connected social platform:
-Your social network profile must be public.
-You must have at least 500 followers on your social network profile. Your followers must be real and publicly active.
-Your engagement rate on the indicated social network must be:
*at least 5% for INSTAGRAM (eg if your profile has 5000 followers and your posted content does not attract more than 5% likes from your total followers, your access to the FameUp app will be denied).
*at least 15% views per video for TikTok (percentage calculated from the total number of followers, this percentage applies to the last 12-15 posts).
*at least 10% views per Short for YouTube (percentage calculated from the total number of followers, this percentage applies to the last 12-15 posts).
-You must have, in the last 6 months, at least 6 public posts on your social network profile.
-Public posts must respect copyright, show creativity and denote your personality.

Una buena valoración te ayudará a conseguir más propuestas de colaboración, ya sea a través de ofertas gratuitas o campañas de pago. Las marcas siempre buscan a los mejores influencers locales que puedan promocionarlos en el entorno en línea.

Carefully read the instructions provided by the brands. It’s highly important to fully understand the directions and objectives of the campaign. Don’t leave it to the last minute, make the most of the 72 hours you have to create the best content possible!

If you need more details, click on “Help & Support” on your profile page in FameUp and contact us through the Live Support, or send us an email by clicking on “Email us” (

Materials created by the Influencer must be public, accessible without restrictions and maintained in the feed for a period of at least 7 days for the Instagram and TikTok platforms and at least 14 days for YouTube after publication. In case of non-compliance with this condition, the risks may involve multiple consequences: receiving a small note from the client that affects your Rating within your profile, refusal of payment or restriction of the right to be an Influencer in FameUp.

Your accounts can be under review for up to 72 hours, after which you will be notified if they have been approved or not.

To be able to change the user assigned to the FameUp account, the location or other similar information, you will have to send us an email to or contact us through the support of the application via Chat.

Turn on notifications for the FameUp app, put a profile picture, this is the first impact the brand has with you, and be patient, because it now depends on the criteria and goals of the company.

When campaigns are launched that will include your account, you will receive an invitation to collaborate in the Notifications section of your FameUp account.

Last but not least, make sure you have quality content consistently to have a flawless portfolio.

If you have any questions about the brief or the campaign, please reach out to us by clicking on Help & Support on your profile page and contact us through the Live Support or directly send us an email at

After a collaboration is finished, there is a period of up to 48 hours where the content is reviewed by us or the brand and flagged if all guidelines are not followed. Depending on the severity of the situation, we may come back with a request to restore and/or edit content, and payment for a certain collaboration may be refused in case of non-compliance with the instructions received.

Once a collaboration is completed, the money is pending for 15 days, after which it appears as received in the in-app wallet.

Once you initiate the money transfer from your FameUp wallet to your bank account, it will take 3 to 5 working days until you receive it.

First of all, if you’re experiencing an issue while using our app, follow the next steps try to fix the issue at hand:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the app (for this, go to App Store or Google Play, search for FameUp > if the button “Update” shows up, click on it and the app will be updated to the latest version).
  • If you already have the latest version of the app, uninstall and install the app again on your phone.
  • Turn off your phone and turn it back on again.
  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet and that the connection is stable.


If you’re still experiencing issues with the app, please get in touch with us at and send us the following information:

  • FameUp username
  • Instagram and/or TikTok username
  • A screenshot of your FameUp profile
  • A video recording all the steps you’re following and the error that you receive
  • The type and model of the device you’re using
  • The software version of the device (For iPhone go to Settings > General > About > Software version. For Android devices go to Settings > About phone > Software information).


Brands & Corporate

Una sola aplicación móvil al alcance de tu mano, FameUp te conecta con decenas de miles de influencers locales con una cuenta de Instagram o TikTok que no pueden esperar para promocionar tu marca. Además, tu marca está totalmente cubierta legal y fiscalmente.

Los influencers locales son personas con 500-10k seguidores en Instagram y/o TikTok que están listos para promocionar tu marca de una manera auténtica y creativa en las redes sociales.

Después de instalar la aplicación en tu teléfono, ábrela y selecciona la opción "Quiero promocionar mi negocio" durante el proceso de registro.

Una vez que creas tu cuenta de marca, el equipo de soporte de FameUp tarda un máximo de 24 horas en verificar tu marca y aprobar tu cuenta.

En la pantalla principal de la aplicación, pulsa el botón "+" y selecciona la opción "Crear campaña pagada". A continuación, sigue los pasos para enviar tu propuesta de campaña a los influencers locales de FameUp.

Trata de ser lo más específico posible en la sección de Instrucciones, cuando informes a los influencers locales. Explícales exactamente cuáles son tus expectativas y ofrece a los influencers tantos detalles y materiales como sea posible, para que puedan promocionar tu marca de la forma más auténtica y creativa. Usa también los filtros avanzados para seleccionar los mejores influencers locales para tu marca y considera los objetivos que te has fijado para tu campaña.

El dinero quedará bloqueado en tu cuenta bancaria hasta que finalice la campaña o colaboración. Más específicamente: cuando el influencer local ha subido la prueba y los resultados de la(s) publicación(es) en Instagram o TikTok.

Depende completamente de ti si aceptas trabajar con uno o más influencers locales de FameUp. Elige sabiamente y selecciona solo a los influencers locales que mejor encajen con los objetivos de tu marca. Cuando estés listo, crea tu campaña a gran escala o envía invitaciones a colaboraciones directas.

Le ofrecemos un permiso de derechos de autor de 180 días sobre los materiales utilizados y creados por personas influyentes locales en FameUp.

Una vez que un influencer local carga las pruebas y los resultados de la promoción en FameUp, tienes la opción de valorar y dejar comentarios sobre la colaboración. Estos son públicos y reflejarán tu satisfacción en relación con la colaboración con esa persona.

Tus valoraciones y comentarios públicos pueden ayudar a un influencer local a obtener más propuestas de colaboración y a otras marcas a decidir si ese influencer local es apropiado para sus necesidades y objetivos de promoción.

Por supuesto. La ventaja de usar FameUp es que no tienes que preocuparte por los términos legales y fiscales de trabajar con influencers locales. Todos los influencers locales de FameUp han firmado un contrato legal y, al final de cada colaboración o campaña pagada, recibirás la factura en tu dirección de correo electrónico.

Las notificaciones activas te permitirán estar al día del estado de tus campañas de influencers o colaboraciones directas. Además, se te notificará sobre los influencers que quieren trabajar contigo o si los influencers locales aceptados necesitan más información.

Reach represents the total number of unique individuals who have seen the content, accounting for 75-80% of the viewership.

Engagement represents the overall result including: the sum of likes, comments, and saves/shares. We have tools that collect real-time data from Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, regarding the content posted during campaigns.

When it comes to ROI, since our main objective is creating awareness, we measure ROI through cost per view or cost per engagement

That is a great question! For starters, we only approve influencers whose profiles contain authentic content, clean profiles and minimal advertising. 

When a campaign is launched, you have access to the list of content creators interested in collaborating, and they can be reviewed. Their Social Media profile can be accessed again, and the brand or an Account Manager from FameUp, decides whether the influencer is a good fit for the campaign.

Depending on the type of campaign, the content creator either has 3 days to post the material on Social Media in accordance with the Brief, after which our team checks the content (Quality Control), or they create the material and send it to the Brand for feedback (if we are talking about pre-approved content type of campaigns).

In addition to all this, we recommend and it is important to have clear instructions within the Brief, telling the influencer what they need to do, but also what they should avoid. This will give the content creators a better understanding of your needs.

Creating an account in the app is free of cost. Additionally, running a campaign does not require any other costs.

There is a minimum budget when it comes to offering the Account Management service.

Through the Account Manager service, we provide all the necessary support for managing campaigns, from implementation, user analysis and approval, to final numbers and reporting, where we provide a complete report that includes centralized results (number of posts, engagement, reach).

This service does not impose extra costs but requires a minimum budget of 3000 EUR (+VAT) per project, which will be used for influencer marketing campaigns.

Running a campaign does not require any other costs. There is a minimum budget when it comes to offering the Account Management service. Through the Account Manager service, we provide all the necessary support for managing campaigns, from implementation, user analysis and approval, to final numbers and reporting, where we provide a complete report that includes centralized results (number of posts, engagement, reach). This service does not impose extra costs but requires a minimum budget of 3000 EUR (+VAT) per project, which will be used for influencer marketing campaigns.


A single free mobile app, FameUp connects you with tens of thousands of local influencers active on Instagram and/or TikTok and/or YouTube who are willing to promote the products or services of the clients you represent. In addition, you are fully covered from a legal and tax point of view.

Los influencers locales son personas con 500-10k seguidores en Instagram y/o TikTok que están listos para promocionar tu marca de una manera auténtica y creativa en las redes sociales.

¡Sí! Ofrecemos una base de datos con decenas de miles de perfiles de influencers locales que puedes explorar utilizando filtros avanzados y seleccionar trabajar individualmente o a escala con los que mejor se adapten a tus objetivos.

Después de instalar la aplicación en tu teléfono, ábrela y selecciona la opción "Quiero promocionar mi negocio" durante el proceso de registro.

En la pantalla principal de la aplicación, pulsa el botón "+" y selecciona la opción "Crear campaña pagada". A continuación, sigue los pasos para enviar tu propuesta de campaña a los influencers locales de FameUp.

Le ofrecemos un permiso de derechos de autor de 180 días sobre los materiales utilizados y creados por personas influyentes locales en FameUp.

Una vez que un influencer local carga las pruebas y los resultados de la promoción en FameUp, tienes la opción de valorar y dejar comentarios sobre la colaboración. Estos son públicos y reflejarán tu satisfacción en relación con la colaboración con esa persona.

Por supuesto. La ventaja de usar FameUp es que no tienes que preocuparte por los términos legales y fiscales de trabajar con influencers locales. Todos los influencers locales de FameUp han firmado un contrato legal y, al final de cada colaboración o campaña pagada, recibirás la factura en tu dirección de correo electrónico.