TIPS & TRICKS when working with micro-influencers
The first step to reach your target by working with local influencers (whom you certainly hear about more often) is to understand the trend. So let’s start at the beginning!
Who are these influencers and why are they so important for your business? Influencer marketing is an updated, virtual version of word of mouth communication, meaning it’s the most powerful communication tool of all.

These influencers are the trend setters of their generation and people follow them because of their lifestyle, the way they think, talki or how they look. They are seen as models and because of that, they have a strong impact on the followers’ consumption choices. With what they eat, where they are spending their holidays and to what clothes are wearing, local influencers can make a big difference in their online fans’ behaviour as consumers.
The success comes from the fact that their communitites follow every message they post and unlike in the case of other media channels such as television, this audience reacts faster and even embrace the promoted ideas because they identify with the influencer.
Why are they successful? Because of the personal branding which means the influencer exposes him or herself through the social media channels in an authentic way. This has an impact on the establishment of a certain intimacy between the influencer and the public that has access to his or her daily life. All these things make influencers credible when they recommend a brand.
Now that you know who are they, it will be easier for you to work with them.