Schwarzkopf ist eine Marke, die auf Haarpflegeprodukte spezialisiert ist. Das erste Produkt, das auf den Markt kam, war ein wasserlösliches Pulvershampoo, das erste seiner Art in Europa. Danach erweiterte Schwarzkopf seine Produktpalette um Haarstylingprodukte, Haarfärbemittel und Haarkuren. Die Marke ist für ihre innovativen Produkte bekannt und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen für ihre Haarpflegeprodukte erhalten.
FameUp content creators were invited to try the new Schwarzkopf LIVE Color hair filter and challenge their community to try the various stages of their hair color changing. The challenge was to drive organic awareness and increase purchase consideration.
Increase the brand’s organic engagement and total reach.
Schwarzkopf partnered with TikTok to create a multi-regional campaign based on a trend already popping up on TikTok. The people were more accustomed to it and eager to engage and enjoy the advantages of the LIVE Colour filter. The LIVE Colour campaign delivered more than 20 million impressions and 18 million video views, significantly impacting TikTok trends in Romania. The campaign is widely recognized as having a remarkable success. The engagement was 5.3x higher than the industry standard, and the reach was 2.2x higher than the industry standard.