App Updates for Local Influencers

How to have a perfect profile and more chances of success?

First of all, we want to thank you for being part of FameUp! We always listen carefully to all feedback we receive from you and the entire community and we’re working every day to help you increase your chances of collaborating with cool brands and get the most out of the app.

We want to answer three important questions and give you more information on how to have a perfect profile and more chances to win through FameUp.

1. What if you can’t complete a barter deal or a collaboration?

If, for objective reasons, you are unable to complete a barter offer, no problem, you will be able to cancel it. Be careful, however, to apply only to offers and collaborations that you really want and can honour. From now on, FameUp brands will be able to see your abandoned collaborations, and your credibility will decline.

Every time when, for objective reasons, you are unable to complete a barter deal or collaboration, we encourage you to:

  • Cancel the barter deal and politely state the objective reasons.
  • Contact the brand only through the app chat to notify them about the cancellation of the barter/collaboration.

2. How can you be sure that you are successfully honouring a collaboration?

If you want to be sure that you will have a 5-star profile and that your effort will be rewarded accordingly, carefully read all the brand’s requirements and respect each one.

  • Create relevant posts or stories.
  • Upload the statistics with the obtained results.
  • Mention the brand by profile tag or sticker link.
  • Create unique materials for each collaboration.
  • Post on the social platform mentioned by the brand in the requirements.

Please note that if you do not comply with the above, the brand may refuse to pay for the collaboration. It would be a pity to have your profile and credibility affected by not paying attention to all details.

We encourage you to get in touch with the brand every time you have questions or when the brand’s requirements are unclear. Feel free to contact the via FameUp chat and politely ask for more info.

3. How to obtain and maintain a 5-star rating?

For a stelar rating, it is important to take all the above into consideration and to finish as many collaborations as possible.

Remember, we are here to answer all your questions and help you increase your chances of collaborating with cool brands. Get in touch with us through the in-app chat or email and we’ll get back to you with solutions as soon as possible.

Later edit: Barter deals have been temporarily discontinued starting August 1, 2022, and will be reintroduced after a series of considerable improvements.