Monetiza a tua
nas Redes Sociais
com a FameUp

Conectamos-te a marcas locais e nacionais que valorizam a tua criatividade e autenticidade nas Redes Sociais.

Adoras Redes Sociais?

Porque não fazer valer o teu tempo? Tem a oportunidade de usar a tua imaginação e ser pago por isso. Começa hoje mesmo a colaborar com as tuas marcas locais e nacionais favoritas!

Trabalha com

Por que os outros nos adoram!


Ganha a oportunidade de ter a tua criatividade e autenticidade valorizadas por marcas locais e nacionais.


Escolhe trabalhar com as marcas QUE TU ADORAS! Tens mais de 500 seguidores? Cria a tua conta e estás pronto para começar!

É divertido

Junta-te à nossa comunidade, faz crescer o teu perfil Instagram ou TikTok e sê convidado para colaborações. Divertido e fácil!

Como Funciona

Passo 1

Descarrega a FameUp e cria a tua conta de influenciador local.

Como Funciona

Passo 2

Fica atento às notificações de convite.

Como Funciona

Passo 3

Lê a descrição da proposta, com todos os detalhes.

Como Funciona

Passo 4

Aceita convites para campanhas pagas.

Como Funciona

Passo 5

Publica o conteúdo solicitado e carrega a prova e os resultados na FameUp para que o teu trabalho seja valorizado.

Lavinia-Andreea Mărginean

Niko Iliescu

Sorina-Georgiana Cristudor

Lena Dimitriu

Dragoș Cornea

Cristina Horez











de Sucesso

Vê as histórias de sucesso de FameUppers e inspira-te em como rentabilizar a tua criatividade nas Redes Sociais.

Daily active micro influencers
· 10000 +
Marcas locais, nacionais &
· 10000 +
Acordos pagos completos
· 500000 +

Perguntas Frequentes

FameUp connects you with thousands of local or national brands that will reward you for your social media creativity, when promoting their products & services.

You’ll find both local and national brands from all types of industries, from the smallest family businesses, up to big corporations. You can browse in-app the brands that have been previously checked and approved by the FameUp team.

Using FameUp, you can access paid collaborations based on different criteria stemming from the brand’s selection, based on your fit to the campaign brief or brand image and message, to your location, age, number of followers, or past results, including your rating and quality of your content.

Também podes ser convidado a dirigir colaborações das marcas que selecionam o teu perfil de influenciador e que querem que as ajudes a promover os seus produtos e/ou serviços.

Após instalares a aplicação no teu smartphone, abre-a e seleciona a opção "Quero ser um influenciador pago" durante o registo.

Para teres a tua conta FameUp aprovada, tens que:
- conectar pelo menos 1 plataforma social (Instagram e/ou TikTok) à tua conta FameUp.
- deves cumprir as condições de aprovação para pelo menos 1 plataforma social ligada.

In order for your social media account to be approved, it has to fulfil the following conditions:

Technical requirements:

  • You need at least 500 real followers.
  • Your social media account has to be public.
  • You need at least 12 public posts published on your account.
  • The reactions to all your posts need to be unhidden (applies to Instagram).
  • On Instagram, the engagement rate of your posts should have a minimum of 5% (ex. for 1000 followers, you need to have a minimum of 50 likes on each of the last 12 posts).
  • On TikTok:
    • under 10.000 followers: you need at least 15% views on your latest 12-15 videos out of your total number of followers (ex. for 1000 followers, you need to have at least 150 views per video);
    • up to 1M followers: you need to have 10% views on your TikToks (ex. 30k followers you need to have 3000 views).


Qualitative Criteria:

  • You need to be 16 years or older.
  • Your posts shouldn’t contain Mature Content
    Examples of mature content: nudity, vulgar and/or sexual content, offensive words and/or gestures, obscenities.
  • Your posts shouldn’t contain Restricted Content
    Examples of restricted content: weaponry, drugs, hate crimes, violence, harassment, intimidation.
  • Your posts shouldn’t contain Improper Content
    This means that your posts lack originality, authenticity, and/ or variety.
  • Your account shouldn’t be Impersonal
    Examples of impersonal accounts: a majority of posts containing memes, quotes, in-game recordings, fan accounts, any kind of accounts with a majority of inanimate objects, excessive product placement.
  • Your account presents a Lack of Quality
    It is possible that your posts have low quality photos or videos, low clarity, poor luminosity.
  • Your posts should be in the appropriate Language
    The preponderent language of the account and of your posts should be in the language of the country where the account was created in.

Uma boa classificação vai ajudar-te a obter mais convites para colaboração. As marcas estão sempre à procura dos melhores influenciadores locais, capazes de os promover no ambiente online.

Carefully read the instructions provided by the brands. It’s highly important to fully understand the directions and objectives of the campaign. Don’t leave it to the last minute, make the most of the 72 hours you have to create the best content possible!

If you need more details, click on “Help & Support” on your profile page in FameUp and contact us through the Live Support, or send us an email by clicking on “Email us” (

Deves manter a publicação pública no teu feed durante pelo menos 7 dias. Caso contrário, arriscas-te a receber uma má avaliação ou mesmo a ser restrito na FameUp.

Your accounts can be under review for up to 72 hours, after which you will be notified if they have been approved or not.

In order to change the social media handles linked to your FameUp account, or your location, or similar information on your account, click on Help & Support on your profile page and contact us through the Live Support, or send us directly an email at

Allow the notifications for FameUp app, put a profile picture, as this is your first introduction to the brands on our app. Set your prices for direct collaborations and be patient, since it’s mostly up to the brand’s own criteria and objectives.

You can also browse the brands on the Discover page and you can apply to the brands you like, in order to make them notice your profile and perhaps decide to work with you through a direct collaboration. For that, don’t forget to set your own prices!

Last but not least, make sure that you create good quality content constantly, in order to have an impeccable portfolio.

If you have any questions about the brief or the campaign, please reach out to us by clicking on Help & Support on your profile page and contact us through the Live Support or directly send us an email at

After a collaboration is finished, there is a period of 48h during which, if the content is signaled by the brand or one of our agents for not following the instructions, there is a possibility for the payment for that specific collaboration to be refused.

Once you finish a collaboration, the money is transferred to your wallet and remains in Pending status for 48h. During this time, the brand or our agents have the chance to review your results.

Once you initiate the money transfer from your FameUp wallet to your bank account, it will take 3 to 5 working days until you receive it.

First of all, if you’re experiencing an issue while using our app, follow the next steps try to fix the issue at hand:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the app (for this, go to App Store or Google Play, search for FameUp > if the button “Update” shows up, click on it and the app will be updated to the latest version).
  • If you already have the latest version of the app, uninstall and install the app again on your phone.
  • Turn off your phone and turn it back on again.
  • Make sure you are connected to the Internet and that the connection is stable.


If you’re still experiencing issues with the app, please get in touch with us at and send us the following information:

  • FameUp username
  • Instagram and/or TikTok username
  • A screenshot of your FameUp profile
  • A video recording all the steps you’re following and the error that you receive
  • The type and model of the device you’re using
  • The software version of the device (For iPhone go to Settings > General > About > Software version. For Android devices go to Settings > About phone > Software information).



20yo, Iasi

A FameUp tornou-se um estilo de vida! Estou grata por ter descoberto esta aplicação. Cada novo dia está cheio de experiências mágicas e de gente bonita! Descobri também algumas marcas fantásticas que eu desconhecia. Obrigada, FameUp, por tornares isto possível!


20yo, Iasi

Ao utilizar a FameUp, desenvolvi-me tanto como pessoa como influenciadora. A aplicação é muito fácil de usar e é uma boa maneira de descobrir marcas locais e nacionais.


20yo, Iasi

Estou muito feliz por fazer parte desta comunidade. Graças à FameUp descobri marcas incríveis, com produtos interessantes de alta qualidade. É uma aventura maravilhosa, que espero desfrutar durante muito tempo. ❤️


20yo, Iasi

A FameUp é o lugar onde todos crescemos e florescemos juntos, ajudando marcas que são para pessoas como tu e eu.


20yo, Iasi

Conheço a FameUp desde o seu início, uma grande ideia posta em prática por jovens empresários. Espero que cresça bem no futuro e tenha um forte impacto, quer nas marcas, quer nas contas de Instagram ativas. É o local perfeito para o conhecimento e benefício mútuos. 👍 Pessoalmente, tive colaborações agradáveis e conheci algumas marcas muito boas que não conhecia.