So verhinderst du, dass dein Konto von Instagram gesperrt wird

Even if you are very active on Instagram, or not, we have some important and relevant information that can help you avoid having your account blocked. In case you have already gone through this, we welcome your input on how you managed to fix it. Nevertheless, if you are now experiencing an Instagram ban, we invite […]

Die 5 besten Tipps für die Erstellung von Content in Social Media

Sometimes you need more inspiration, whether it’s a text post, a TikTok video, or an Instagram story. Creating content is a whole process — from keeping the ideas brief, to adding your unique and personal touch coherently and creatively. At FameUp, creating truly valuable content for your community usually takes time. Firstly, you need to […]

Wie man als Content-Creator ein Briefing liest

Is it enough to have authenticity, creativity, and wisdom in content creation? How do you react when your content doesn’t match the campaign’s requirements? To avoid such situations and to be able to create without worries, we have some relevant tips for you, which can be applied the very second you receive a brief. First of […]

Wie man als Marke einen FameUp-Brief verfasst

Yes, it’s really not a cliché, the perfect brief doesn’t exist, but we want to give you the image of a well-crafted brief, from FameUp’s perspective, for brands. Firstly, the brief represents the summary of everything you propose to do — from goals and ideas, to instructions, suggestions, and tools. To provide a concise and complete brief, […]

Kreativ, aber auch konsequent!

In Social Media, creativity without consistency is only half work. No matter how good your ideas and concepts are, being persistent is the key to be successful and important for the most popular brands. Here are some tips for you, in order to be more consistent with your work and rise above all brand’s expectations.  […]

Was macht einen guten Influencer aus?

Being a great influencer is measured by two attributes: authenticity and engagement. Basically, you need to know how to connect to your audience efficiently. Every influencer has a specific type of followers, real people that got there by liking, approving, and enjoying different types of content, created in a particular way. And great storytelling separates […]

Wie erstellt man authentische Inhalte?

Your account is awesome! But if you want to get more collaborations, you need to have authentic and creative content. Sometimes, you can find yourself at a crossroads and not have any ideas about how to promote a product or a brand. Here are some tips that will help you create attractive and engaging posts! […]

Die Top 3 Instagram-Trends

Wondering what’s new on Instagram? Here are the top 3 trends that deserve your attention. Good bye, static images! Hello, conversation! Social media has become a place of dialogue and community. Engage your audience through interactive stickers such as questions, quizzes, polls, etc. Give it a try. Real connections Live streaming is the way to […]

Profil in Social Media erstellen

A great social media profile looks good, tells who you are, and gives people a reason to follow and engage with you. 1. Public (not private) profile If you’re on your way to becoming a true influencer, then that’s what you want: You want anyone to be able to view your posts and follow you. […]

Warum solltest du den Auftrag lesen?

Understand what are the requirements for that collaboration and what you need to deliver. Avoid creating unsatisfying content that doesn’t meet the brand’s requirements. Unsatisfying content affects your chances of being selected for further paid collaborations. Avoid not getting paid for your work and receiving a negative review. This is where you find the brief […]