The all-in-one platform
for influencer marketing

An automated platform powered by AI
for micro-influencer contracting, strategy,
management, and payment in the same day

The all-in-one platform
for influencer marketing

An automated platform powered by AI
for micro-influencer contracting, strategy,
management, and payment in the same day

Für Agenturen

Your End to End Platform, for Influencer Marketing

We make influencer marketing at scale easy for you. Forget the day-to-day tasks, say goodbye to influencer discovery, outreach, monitoring spreadsheets, and reporting headaches, all without a monthly fee.

For brands

Influencer marketing at scale, More organic BUZZ

We connect your business with authentic and creative micro influencers. Activate campaigns as quickly as 24 hours, generating immediate results and conversation on social media.

Für Influencer

Monetarisieren Sie Ihre Kreativität in den sozialen Medien

Wir verbinden Sie mit Marken, die Ihre authentische Kreativität in den sozialen Medien schätzen und wertschätzen.