Yes, it’s really not a cliché, the perfect brief doesn’t exist, but we want to give you the image of a well-crafted brief, from FameUp’s perspective, for brands.

Firstly, the brief represents the summary of everything you propose to do — from goals and ideas, to instructions, suggestions, and tools.

To provide a concise and complete brief, we encourage a simple exercise of imagination: the brand and the influencer standing face to face, the brand tells the influencer what they would like to do, and the influencer listens and then accepts or not the offer.

Afterwards, this exercise is written into a short document — this is the brief!

We want to bring to your attention some important and indispensable points in creating one for FameUp influencers.

👋🏻 Präsentation

Firstly, the brand must introduce itself, specify the area of interest, the vision, and above all, what makes the brand known for, in the online and offline markets.

📈 Ziele

Eine kurze Liste mit den 3 wichtigsten Zielen, die du bis zum Ende des Prozesses erreichen willst.

❗️ Must do’s

This is the most important step, because the brand needs to tell the influencer what they must do in order to help them reach their target and the chosen audience in social media. These must do’s are created for each individual platform.
We support brands in stating exactly what they expect and what they want and need from the influencer, in terms of content.

📝 Notes

Marken nutzen diesen Abschnitt, um auf plattformspezifische Praktiken und Maßnahmen hinzuweisen oder um klare Angaben zu einem bestimmten Aspekt zu machen. Zum Beispiel kann die Marke die Länge eines Textbeitrags angeben.
Die Influencer benötigen diese Hinweise, um den perfekten Content für jede Plattform zu erstellen.

📩 Tipps und Ratschläge

Tips & tricks are always welcomed, but brands need to know that influencers have their own authenticity. The brand can suggest general, but essential things about the way in which they would like the project to go. For example, it can tell them about the tone of the posts, tips & tricks, stickers, or gifs to use. It may also mention what NOT to use.

If this was helpful to you, we have a guideline that you can adapt to create FameUp briefs. Please keep in mind: it is not mandatory to use.

✔️ Präsentation

Hello, we are… and we have been in the market since… years ago and our vision is…
We like to think that we are known for…


Mit deiner Hilfe wollen wir...
Wir würden gerne...
Wir möchten...
Unsere Ziele sind...

✔️ Must do’s

1: Erstelle ein Video - Testimonial/Beitrag/Story ( der Inhalt, den du benötigst)

2: Present your product/site/recipe

3: Mention the stick-to-points verbally/in writing using key words

4: Add your IG & TikTok accounts, apply sticker link (make sure it’s spelled correctly), show your site, add hashtags.

PS: for each chosen platform, a must do list will be made.

✔️ Notizen:

ATTENTION: we want…
Wir wollen...
Bitte NICHT...

✔️ Tipps und Ratschläge

Für IG kannst du...
On TikTok, you can use…

We hope that these ideas will help you with writing a complete and clear brief for FameUp influencers!