Live life for FREE with at least 500 followers on Instagram

Every morning you check your phone and go online.

Every night before bed, you check some more.

You put your heart on your wall. But more often than that, your breakfast.

And when you feel like it, you confess the location.

You spend a lot of time on social media. But what do you get in return? And for who does the time you offer matter?

Most smartphones even tell you the number of hours you spend online every day. Sometimes that number scares you.

How about... ?

But what if it actually represented the amount of hours you worked and you could gain daily for doing what you already do?

What if you could eat for free in your favorite restaurants, get gym memberships, go to the cinema, spa, hairdresser, your dream festival or even travel through Europe?

And all this just for posting on Instagram, with good taste and personality.

What would it be like to live life for free, doing nothing extra?

In case you didn't know… being an influencer or even a micro-influencer (which means having at least 500 followers on Instagram) is already becoming a job in itself.

A job that doesn’t involve interviews or tests, but only installing a smart app. Which goes by the name of: FameUP.

Are you in?

Social media has grown even bigger lately and pours into waterfalls of stories and hashtags.

The truth is that, as superficial as it may seem, many souls have shaped or regained their self-confidence online lately, after realizing they have a voice, they represent a special niche of their own, they have something to say and can inspire through their life stories.

They also realized you can start over when everything seems lost, senseless and boring, and you can go out for a coffee and just enjoy your own company, if you post a cool story and someone somewhere sees you, listens to you and feels inspired and motivated. Makes you feel seen, heard and meaningful.

There is no doubt that if there was no social media and no Insta stories in these home isolation times, the situation would have been extremely gloomy, much more dramatic and that here, now, in this pandemic, millions of new voices and influencers have been born and arose from the most unexpected shy and introverted souls.

So, all you have to do now is make your online time finally count.