3 Pro Tips for Instagram Influencers

Everyone these days is talking about influencer marketing. Brands are collaborating with local influencers now more than ever. Being an Instagram influencer has become quite profitable and it’s no wonder everyone wants to be one. It has countless benefits, from VIP invitations to exclusive events, to free products, services, and even monetary deals.

Interesting, right? However, reality is not always as glamorous as it seems. And like everything in life, local influencer success does not come easy. You need to be patient, determined, and invest significant time in this endeavour. But no need to worry, even the biggest influencers started from scratch. You can do it too!

High quality content and consistent Instagram activity are the ground rules for building a strong and engaged audience. But keep in mind you’ll have to compete with other influencers to get the attention of your existing and future followers. We put together a few tips on how to create quality content, read aqui to learn more.

Measure, optimize and communicate the value and impact of your Instagram activity

It’s all fine and dandy when you think about it. We mean… generating great posts, stories, and Instagram reels and getting paid for this! Where do I sign up, right? But here’s the thing: if you want brands to pay up, you’ll need to do more than this and put a bit more time into it. You’ll also need to measure, optimize and communicate the value and impact of your Instagram activity.

#1: Know your audience to increase engagement

To be honest, brands don’t really care about how large your audience is. Even though that’s important, what they care more about is how engaged are your followers. Maintaining an active audience should be your top priority in order to secure brand partnerships. Find out what they like, see when they are active on Instagram, make it easy for them to like, comment and share. How do you get all this info? Easy, just switch to a creator account. Read below to find out how.

#2: Switch to Instagram creator profile

If you want to be a successful local influencer, you first need to measure your success. A creator account is the best solution for you, since it offers advanced insights that allow you to offer complete reports to the brands that you are promoting. If you’re still using a personal profile, we strongly recommend you switch to a creator account right away.

It takes less than a minute to switch from your personal profile to a creator account and get more insight of your online presence, understand your audience, and manage your content. 

Instagram creator account

#3: Deliver great results

As an influencer, you get free products, services, or even money from the brands that you are promoting, in exchange of reach and engagements through posts and stories. You should rise up to their expectations; after all, they are your customers. But what do you do when you’re not sure what these expectations are? That’s nothing to worry about, FameUp also helps you communicate with the brands and ask whatever question comes to mind as long as you want to make sure you’re delivering what’s expected. 

Keep in mind that brands want full results of your social media activity, not only reach numbers. They also want sticker taps, link clicks, likes, comments, and shares. Simply switch to a creator account and include all metrics in your report.

Also, you should make sure that, when uploading the proof for your Instagram stories, you take the screenshot of the story, NOT of the image you shared. In order for your proof to be validated by the brand, they need to be able to see that your story has been up for 20-23 hours. That’s the only way your proof will be accepted by the brand and you will be paid for the collaboration. Otherwise, you risk losing the money and receiving a negative review that will affect your chances for future collaborations.

We hope you found the three tips above useful. Remember that all successful collaborations are based on great results. Keep an eye on us to periodically get more tips and tricks that will help you become a great local influencer. 

Happy influencing!